We are about a week away from the first day of school. I decided to take the kids to my uncles camping for a couple days, which is only about 15 minutes away from our home.
He has a gorgeous property with about 25 acres of woods, fields and streams. The perfect place for the kiddos, our fur babies and me to relax and just have fun together surrounded by nature.
You can imagine the reaction once my 13 year old learned there was no cell service and no WiFi. Of course if you stand in the right spot at exactly the right time you can get about one bar to maybe send a text but that's only with no cloud cover, needless to say she was not a "happy camper". I am sure she will get over it, and she already has.
On our way I had to take a few photos with my cell phone while driving, the sky was amazing and just screamed AMANDA PHOTOGRAPH ME!!! So I did, I really had no choice....
Even though this is normally only a 15 minute drive, I took the long way. There are many ways to get to many places in our area so why not, I mean that made it seem like we were really going AWAY from home... I remember when I was young, the rides to our camp (which is now my uncles) never seemed short so maybe it was the kid in me wanting to come out.
The drive was absolutely gorgeous, the colors in the sky were so vibrant and the clouds were just...... It was in simply a perfect day for a drive long or short to anywhere.
I did not get asked even once "are we there yet"
Once we got there the kids were super excited, they ran around, climbed some trees, played in the creek, even started to build a dam that they are ready to finish tomorrow. It was nice to see them being able to just go, run and play and not have to worry about traffic or a toy going in the neighbors yard, not having to stop playing for people to walk by (my children are very serious sidewalk chalk artists).
So with all this energy they had, it was decided to have a relay race, and I someone who never runs unless being chased by lions, tigers and bears had no choice but to join. We all listened patiently while my 13 year old daughter explained how a relay race works. She is very good at instructing her siblings, and they are sure good at paying attention. Loved their expressions so much while they stood there soaking wet from playing in the water and obviously didn't want to stand there as she was going over rules and strategy I had to take a picture.
Needless to say, in the four races we did. The girls won three... Oh yes that happened.
Once we were done defeating the boys, we had some food, snacked on tomatoes freshly picked from the garden, started a campfire and they were right back in the water.
Days like today take me back a few years, okay a lot of years. To a time when I use to run in this yard, jump in that water, roll in this grass, built many dams in that exact spot and maybe I didn't climb that tree but possibly the old one next to it that if possible could tell better stories than I could ever think of.
It also makes me realize how fortunate I am to be able to on a whim decide to leave town for a few days. Put everything on hold and just go somewhere with the children to relax and be free in nature. That is all thanks to the amazing man that I married and adore. For working so hard everyday while he is away, for being so unselfish of his time and love, for giving me the five most wonderful things I have ever known and ever will know. Making it possible for me to follow my dreams, and being able to enjoy days like this.
Love it! Reading about your kids running, playing, and climbing trees reminded me of some happy memories of doing the same.